Friday, March 11, 2011


Okay, let me be the first person to admit that I have a huge problem with Target. It's like Meth to me...I just cant get enough and it usually leaves me broke! I love everything about Target, literally everything! I love the fact that as soon as I walk in, I can get a large fountain Diet Coke and roam the isles and put stuff in my cart that I do not need, and then realize I have way to much stuff, freak out for about 30 seconds and end up putting the things I got out of the dollar bin back...because those extra 4 dollars are going to break me...? makes no sense to me, but I do it every time!

So let me tell you about a recent Target experience......
As a avid Target lover, I figured I would just have them as my main pharmacy as well. Sooooo about a month ago I went to target on a Friday afternoon during my lunch break...I had one mission, pick up the B.C. pills! Well of course that mission almost failed like 148324 times as I kept on getting distracted, however knowing I was on a time limit kept me semi focused.

As I approached the pharmacy I gave the Pharm. Tech my name and he pulled my little RX bag out of the bin...As I was getting out my card to pay, he says to me, "looks like you are gonna have a fun weekend." Being completely oblivious to the situation I said "well yes, I have a Mani-Pedi tomorrow"...and as I looked up saw him holding my package of B.C. pills in his hand with this creepy smile on his face! Only that is when I realized that he assumed I was picking up my pills on a Friday only to sleep with 1,000 guys, take every pill sunday morning and come back Monday for my refill! After I realized that he was trying to be funny with his comment, these three things popped in my head

1. Dude can you please hurry up, I literally have to back at my office in 20 minutes and I really need to check out those new sundresses I saw on my way in.

2. I am not a whore!

3. I really want a peppermint patty.

So after about 5 more minutes of him ringing me out in total awkwardness, I HAD NO extra time to look at the sundresses, but to make me feel a tiny bit better I did purchase TWO peppermint patties and the latest edition of US Weekly!

Happy Friday Everyone! :)