Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Guess Who's Back?????

I'm BACKKKKKK! I know, I know, the three people that actually read this are so excited...and truthfully, so am I. I was on a like 8 month blogging break, and I honestly have no good reasons why. BUT what matters is that I am back on the blogging train and I plan on going full speed ahead. I actually made regular blogging one of my new years resolutions, that and loosing 1000 pounds, spending less money, trying to pay off visy my visa card, eat healthy, go to spinning class and curb my shopping habit. However these are always my new years resolutions and by Jan 18th I have failed at every single one of them... But for now I am back! :)

Anyway, I have been meaning to blog about this topic for a while...As you know, I teach part time at the University of Akron and I have realized that there is a campus wide epidemic happening, and it's called WTF are these people wearing! Okay, maybe it was my high fashion standards in college or the fact that I was in a sorority, or the fact that I have dignity, but I never looked the hot mess that these people look. Like is the staple outfit of booty jean shorts, oversized sweatshirts from Abercrombie, Knee socks and Uggs the only thing these girls know? Do yoga pants and a mesh tank top with a bright pink sports bra make an outfit? Do tights now work the same as leggings in terms of pants? Does dressing up for a presentation mean black yoga pants and a glitter tank top? Are Zebra pants what we are buying now? Should I have worn a black tube dress with 6" gold platforms? I mean I get it, I like Forever 21 just as much as the next girl, but lets learn to pick and chose what we buy from there. Accessories... Yes! Gold Jumpsuits... NO! I just look at them and think, ladies, there is a store that can help change your life around. It's called J-Crew...lets go together and get holiday plaid shirts, ballet flats and fabulous patterned tights. Then we can skip on over to Banana Republic and pick up some great basics....... I feel like we should all have a moment of silence to pray that one day these lost little souls will find the light, and the world will be a better place. Thank you!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pajama Jeans...

Okay so here is a disturbing story....

Last Monday I had some time to kill before I had to teach so I decided to hit up Starbucks in the Student Union. As I was in line, minding my own business, the girl behind asked me if I was wearing Pajama Jeans!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry, what? As soon as she asked me this I believe I got a look in my eyes that said "Like I think you just asked me if my jeans were pajama jeans, but I may have zoned out and didn't fully hear you.!.!" But I heard right...she thought my jeans were Pajama Jeans, and had I not just spent $4.75 on my coffee, I may have thrown it in her face!

First of all, My jeans were from Banana Republic. They are dark denim, skinny jeans! They IN NO WAY resemble those Pajama Jeans. Trust me! I would never purchase my jeans via an informational where if I purchase one pair at $9.99, I get a second pair free. I don't roll that way!

Second of all, who actually buys Pajama Jeans? Anyone? NO...the answer would be NO! I mean I get the concept, comfy pants that look like jeans, but hello that is why black leggings with tunics and riding boots are around! Comfy, stylish and trendy! Pajama Jeans do not fit in that category. AND the pajama jean commercial always is on the T.V.'s at the gym for some reason. Which I find is a sign that if the whole working out thing ends up as an epic fail, you can always get jeans made out of spandex with an elastic waist band....and truthfully there will never be a time in my life where I will be at that point!

Listen up everyone! Pajama Jeans ruin lives and $4.75 Skinny Carmel Lattes! You think I could enjoy my coffee after that comment?

Thursday, April 7, 2011


So my lack of blogging lately can totally be blamed on my jobs! Yes, I said jobs...as in multiple...as in more than one. See most people who have a full time job stop there...but not me, for some reason I feel the need to have 1 full time job and 2 part time jobs! Lets chat about this issue shall we!?!!?

It's not that I can't afford to live off my full time job, because I really honestly could.. if I quit spending all my free time at Nordstroms, J-Crew and Banana Republic. However shopping problem aside, I make enough money to support me and Poppyseed Muffin ( my cat), make my car payment, pay the credit card, pay the cellular and still have a shoe and cute dress obsession.

So with that said, my other two jobs do have a purpose....

Besides working in public relations, I also teach PR classes part time at the University of Akron. I got my Master's Degree from here so when they asked to stat teaching I figured why not! Well 2 years later I am still at it, and at times I like to call this my " Why The F did I sign up to do this again" job. See I really do like teaching college kids, and every semester I do get very lucky to have some amazing students, many of whom I stay friends with and drink with after the semester is over! :) But the problem comes when I am half way through the semester and I am in mid-term hell, or the football players/basketball players need another damn progress report filled out, or the group projects I have assigned are failing miserably because everyone in the group wants to kill each other.

However, I will say that this tantrum I throw usually lasts 1-2 weeks and then I am over it.....Plus the main reason I do this, besides the fact that I do enjoy, it is the money! I make some damn good extra money by teaching, which all goes into the "Melissa's moving to Boston" saving account ( More on this topic later :) )

And then there is William Sonoma...ahhh...my love! :) So I started working at William Sonoma in 2009 as holiday help. I loved it...AND I loved my 40% discount! Although here is a fun fact, I actually spent $76 more than I made that entire holiday season. I put every William Sonoma purchase on Visy my Visa card just so I could track how much I would spend in that store...and it was ALOT! So, this year they totally asked me to come back and I did...and then I stayed on as a part time associate. ( I campaigned! I told every manager like 100 times I wanted to stay on and then asked them 100 times when I would find out if I was staying on!)

See I make ZERO money at this job, I actually call it my negative equity job because literally every time I get paid from here, I buy something. Whether it's an AllClad pan, A knife, A cookbook, A cake pan in the shape of a giant bumble bee because I told myself I would make giant bumble bee cakes all the time. I buy everything. I can't stop! but really how am I supposed to make any money when I get 40% off and I need to build my gourmet kitchen supplies up?

So its not totally my fault for lack of blogging, although I will promise to have better time management skills and continue to blog once a week! My jobs are killing me right now. BUT the semester is over in 3 weeks AND tomorrow is PAY DAY at William Sonoma, which means I get my AllClad omelet pan. Holler! :)

Friday, March 11, 2011


Okay, let me be the first person to admit that I have a huge problem with Target. It's like Meth to me...I just cant get enough and it usually leaves me broke! I love everything about Target, literally everything! I love the fact that as soon as I walk in, I can get a large fountain Diet Coke and roam the isles and put stuff in my cart that I do not need, and then realize I have way to much stuff, freak out for about 30 seconds and end up putting the things I got out of the dollar bin back...because those extra 4 dollars are going to break me...? makes no sense to me, but I do it every time!

So let me tell you about a recent Target experience......
As a avid Target lover, I figured I would just have them as my main pharmacy as well. Sooooo about a month ago I went to target on a Friday afternoon during my lunch break...I had one mission, pick up the B.C. pills! Well of course that mission almost failed like 148324 times as I kept on getting distracted, however knowing I was on a time limit kept me semi focused.

As I approached the pharmacy I gave the Pharm. Tech my name and he pulled my little RX bag out of the bin...As I was getting out my card to pay, he says to me, "looks like you are gonna have a fun weekend." Being completely oblivious to the situation I said "well yes, I have a Mani-Pedi tomorrow"...and as I looked up saw him holding my package of B.C. pills in his hand with this creepy smile on his face! Only that is when I realized that he assumed I was picking up my pills on a Friday only to sleep with 1,000 guys, take every pill sunday morning and come back Monday for my refill! After I realized that he was trying to be funny with his comment, these three things popped in my head

1. Dude can you please hurry up, I literally have to back at my office in 20 minutes and I really need to check out those new sundresses I saw on my way in.

2. I am not a whore!

3. I really want a peppermint patty.

So after about 5 more minutes of him ringing me out in total awkwardness, I HAD NO extra time to look at the sundresses, but to make me feel a tiny bit better I did purchase TWO peppermint patties and the latest edition of US Weekly!

Happy Friday Everyone! :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Taylor Swift

While driving home from work tonight, Taylor Swift came on the radio, and I must have been zoning out because it took me until half the song was over to realize what I was listening to... AND I realized I can not stand Taylor Swift. Now do not get me wrong, I will admit that she can write original songs and can sing sometimes, but I still don't like her!

I do realize that all of my research and opinions are based off of things I have read either from US Weekly or Perezhilton.com, and yes I do consider them academic sources. In fact if I was in still in grad school and doing a paper on my complete dislike for Taylor Swift I would cite those two sources!

So....here are my reasons for why I can not stand Taylor Swift:

1. She is to perfect! OR should I say she acts like she is to perfect! I don't believe this act for a second! No one is that perfect! I bet she is secretly getting drunk every night and doing mass amount of cocaine off her glitter guitar! AND you know what....I think a good cocaine scandal would be good for her! I would actually have more respect for her because of it.

2. WTF is up with this Number 13? literally in everything she does she has a number 13 incorporated with it. It's like every time she see's a number 13 she thinks it some sign from the universe that just reinforces how amazing she is...UMM NO! I am actually going to start playing that game...."Oh look, Banana Republic! It's like the universe is telling me I NEED to get another pair of trouser jeans and that cute trench coat in the window....I will go buy them" See it doesn't work...because the universe does not send me magic checks to pay my banana republic card with...AND the universe does not magically make your number 13 appear so you will think you are a musical god, Taylor!

3. OK WE GET IT....you look good in the color red. Literally every award show she goes to or every event she attends she wears a RED dress, RED shoes and RED lipstick. Maybe she could wear clothes in green, or blue, or green or even black! Branch out! I am tired of reading my InStyle Magazine and seeing Taylor Swift in the red!

4. The whole John Mayer situation...Ok here is the deal, when John Mayer invites you up to your hotel room it's never going to include just "hanging out". He is John Mayer, come on! SO when John Mayer took Taylor Swift up to his hotel room, what did she think was going to happen? They would change into their matching Hello Kitty footed pajamas and write songs about puppies, unicorns and sunshine rainbows?
AND then what I love even more is how she is so shocked he not only slept with her, but also kicked her out the next morning before the B could order room service waffles; that she writes a song about how hurt she was he did that! Again...this is John Mayer.!.!.!.!

5. Get over the Kanye West situation...and that includes writing songs about it and signing such songs at an MTV awards show, IN A RED DRESS!

......AND that my friends is why I am not or ever will be a Taylor Swift fan!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


2011 will forever be considered the year of the wedding for Melissa.....For I am in 3 of them.. yes 3 weddings in 2011!

Now originally in 2010 I was only planning on being in 1 wedding...One of my best friend Juliann's (and Neal)..... Neal and Juliann had been dating for a good 3-4 years when they got engaged. Neal had told me about 2 weeks before he actually proposed which not only threw me in to total wedding mode, it also made me realize that I was keeping this huge secret and therefor had to avoid Juliann for 2 weeks...which I did a pretty good job of! I only allowed my self to speak to her over the phone, and plus she was going to Chicago for work for a few days so that totally helped.

Although I am sure Neal had other intentions in mind when we told me about proposing...I figured he was just giving me time so I along with our friend Marla could put together this little engagement celebration , which included celebration cupcakes and a big Tiffany's box on the table! ...Flash froward to now...they are getting married October 14Th 2011! Date is Saved!

Then came last May when my sister Megan basically tells my mom and I that her "friend" Matt is really not her friend anymore and they are getting married! Shocked? Yes! However if you know anything about Megan, you know that is her style! Oh BTW....she also tells us she is moving to New York in 4 months and we pretty much need to get everything set in stone before she leaves! Flash forward to now...They are getting married March 18Th 2011..Less then 30 days away!

AND then there was Jessica....Jessica and I met our freshmen year at BGSU when we both pledged the same sorority...and I was thinking about this just the other day, but we have been best friends for close to 10 years! CRAZY! Anyway, Jessica and Ryan had been dating for 3 years when he came home from work on December 30Th and proposed! Of course she freaked out and totally said yes! From that day on, Jessica has been in full blown wedding planning mode, and has literally been dreaming about this since I have known her! Her wedding is November 5th 2011!

So bring on the dress fittings, the bridesmaids dresses, cake testings, wedding showers, bachelorette parties, and rehearsal dinners! I AM READY! And so is my credit card!

Welcome to blogging!

Let me introduce myself...My name is Melissa and this is my blog. I have been thinking about blogging for a while, and in fact, I created this little guy about 8 months ago...I am just not getting the nerve to actually use it. I currently live in Ohio ( for the time being) and I work in Public Relations. Although this blog will focus on the adventures I call my life, I will also be introducing you all to my favorite things! Mainly because I have a HUGE shopping problem and I also love when Oprah does this!

So welcome and happy reading!

Side note for friends- I will be blogging about you all and using your real names in this...so get ready!