Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Guess Who's Back?????

I'm BACKKKKKK! I know, I know, the three people that actually read this are so excited...and truthfully, so am I. I was on a like 8 month blogging break, and I honestly have no good reasons why. BUT what matters is that I am back on the blogging train and I plan on going full speed ahead. I actually made regular blogging one of my new years resolutions, that and loosing 1000 pounds, spending less money, trying to pay off visy my visa card, eat healthy, go to spinning class and curb my shopping habit. However these are always my new years resolutions and by Jan 18th I have failed at every single one of them... But for now I am back! :)

Anyway, I have been meaning to blog about this topic for a while...As you know, I teach part time at the University of Akron and I have realized that there is a campus wide epidemic happening, and it's called WTF are these people wearing! Okay, maybe it was my high fashion standards in college or the fact that I was in a sorority, or the fact that I have dignity, but I never looked the hot mess that these people look. Like is the staple outfit of booty jean shorts, oversized sweatshirts from Abercrombie, Knee socks and Uggs the only thing these girls know? Do yoga pants and a mesh tank top with a bright pink sports bra make an outfit? Do tights now work the same as leggings in terms of pants? Does dressing up for a presentation mean black yoga pants and a glitter tank top? Are Zebra pants what we are buying now? Should I have worn a black tube dress with 6" gold platforms? I mean I get it, I like Forever 21 just as much as the next girl, but lets learn to pick and chose what we buy from there. Accessories... Yes! Gold Jumpsuits... NO! I just look at them and think, ladies, there is a store that can help change your life around. It's called J-Crew...lets go together and get holiday plaid shirts, ballet flats and fabulous patterned tights. Then we can skip on over to Banana Republic and pick up some great basics....... I feel like we should all have a moment of silence to pray that one day these lost little souls will find the light, and the world will be a better place. Thank you!