Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pajama Jeans...

Okay so here is a disturbing story....

Last Monday I had some time to kill before I had to teach so I decided to hit up Starbucks in the Student Union. As I was in line, minding my own business, the girl behind asked me if I was wearing Pajama Jeans!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry, what? As soon as she asked me this I believe I got a look in my eyes that said "Like I think you just asked me if my jeans were pajama jeans, but I may have zoned out and didn't fully hear you.!.!" But I heard right...she thought my jeans were Pajama Jeans, and had I not just spent $4.75 on my coffee, I may have thrown it in her face!

First of all, My jeans were from Banana Republic. They are dark denim, skinny jeans! They IN NO WAY resemble those Pajama Jeans. Trust me! I would never purchase my jeans via an informational where if I purchase one pair at $9.99, I get a second pair free. I don't roll that way!

Second of all, who actually buys Pajama Jeans? Anyone? NO...the answer would be NO! I mean I get the concept, comfy pants that look like jeans, but hello that is why black leggings with tunics and riding boots are around! Comfy, stylish and trendy! Pajama Jeans do not fit in that category. AND the pajama jean commercial always is on the T.V.'s at the gym for some reason. Which I find is a sign that if the whole working out thing ends up as an epic fail, you can always get jeans made out of spandex with an elastic waist band....and truthfully there will never be a time in my life where I will be at that point!

Listen up everyone! Pajama Jeans ruin lives and $4.75 Skinny Carmel Lattes! You think I could enjoy my coffee after that comment?

Thursday, April 7, 2011


So my lack of blogging lately can totally be blamed on my jobs! Yes, I said in in more than one. See most people who have a full time job stop there...but not me, for some reason I feel the need to have 1 full time job and 2 part time jobs! Lets chat about this issue shall we!?!!?

It's not that I can't afford to live off my full time job, because I really honestly could.. if I quit spending all my free time at Nordstroms, J-Crew and Banana Republic. However shopping problem aside, I make enough money to support me and Poppyseed Muffin ( my cat), make my car payment, pay the credit card, pay the cellular and still have a shoe and cute dress obsession.

So with that said, my other two jobs do have a purpose....

Besides working in public relations, I also teach PR classes part time at the University of Akron. I got my Master's Degree from here so when they asked to stat teaching I figured why not! Well 2 years later I am still at it, and at times I like to call this my " Why The F did I sign up to do this again" job. See I really do like teaching college kids, and every semester I do get very lucky to have some amazing students, many of whom I stay friends with and drink with after the semester is over! :) But the problem comes when I am half way through the semester and I am in mid-term hell, or the football players/basketball players need another damn progress report filled out, or the group projects I have assigned are failing miserably because everyone in the group wants to kill each other.

However, I will say that this tantrum I throw usually lasts 1-2 weeks and then I am over it.....Plus the main reason I do this, besides the fact that I do enjoy, it is the money! I make some damn good extra money by teaching, which all goes into the "Melissa's moving to Boston" saving account ( More on this topic later :) )

And then there is William love! :) So I started working at William Sonoma in 2009 as holiday help. I loved it...AND I loved my 40% discount! Although here is a fun fact, I actually spent $76 more than I made that entire holiday season. I put every William Sonoma purchase on Visy my Visa card just so I could track how much I would spend in that store...and it was ALOT! So, this year they totally asked me to come back and I did...and then I stayed on as a part time associate. ( I campaigned! I told every manager like 100 times I wanted to stay on and then asked them 100 times when I would find out if I was staying on!)

See I make ZERO money at this job, I actually call it my negative equity job because literally every time I get paid from here, I buy something. Whether it's an AllClad pan, A knife, A cookbook, A cake pan in the shape of a giant bumble bee because I told myself I would make giant bumble bee cakes all the time. I buy everything. I can't stop! but really how am I supposed to make any money when I get 40% off and I need to build my gourmet kitchen supplies up?

So its not totally my fault for lack of blogging, although I will promise to have better time management skills and continue to blog once a week! My jobs are killing me right now. BUT the semester is over in 3 weeks AND tomorrow is PAY DAY at William Sonoma, which means I get my AllClad omelet pan. Holler! :)